Google Forms
As students go through and answer the questions of this Google Forms Exit Quiz, if they get the question wrong, the form will take them to a video to watch that will review the content of that question. When the student gets the question right, the form lets them move on to the next question.
This gives students more personalized instruction as they are taking this quiz. This way, I can ensure that the students needing help in more specific areas can get the assistance they need, and those ready can move on.
I am also transparent with my students about how this quiz will be graded. The total number of points on each question will allow them to know what to expect when they receive their scores back. We can format our sheets in many ways to enable the students to focus on doing the math rather than figuring out a puzzle.
Microsoft Word
Giving quizzes that students don't feel overwhelmed by is an important thing I will do as a teacher. In making this quiz, I intended to give students room to show their work on the page. This leaves more space between questions, so the students do not see too many questions at once on one page.